Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Firestorm Armada: Solyrian Skyhammer Curiser Review

I like most of the Solyrian ships particularly their dreadnought, which I don't own yet, but today I'm reviewing the Skyhammer Cruiser. Solyrians are very linear in design and cylindrical as well. There aren't any visible turrets and the traditional sense but there are a number of nobs on the sides that I guess could be guns. It also has one on the front which is the main cannon. All in all a cool design even if a bit phallic. . .

In order for this model to stay together you will need to pin the three sections together. I tried not pinning and it wouldn't stay together. The entire model is made of resin so I thought is would be light enough but sadly no. So I drilled a hole down its long axis from the back and glued a metal rod in.

 The two green ones in front are the Skyhammers

Here's what a Skyhammer looks like from the top.

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